Thursday, December 16, 2010

You Are What You Say You Are

“It doesn’t matter what people call you, it only matters what you answer to.” – Madea

The above quote by actor, writer, producer, director, screenwriter Tyler Perry is powerful. And Tyler Perry is a prime example of what he believes. He has lived and walked the talk and is one of my heroes because of his amazing triumph over personal childhood setbacks and tragedies. He never gave up and always had dreams of being successful regardless of what everyone else said or believed about him otherwise. And through that belief, he has transformed into the powerhouse he is today.

If there is one life lesson I could teach young people, even some adults, it would be about the concept of mind over matter. We really are what we say we are. The universe really is a remarkable entity because what we place out there really does come back to us with a vengeance. Law of Attraction. I’ve witnessed it in my life and experienced its effects.

Make no mistake about it, there is power in our words and thoughts. The Bible speaks of it. I discovered that power early on in my life. In fact, that’s why I fell in love with words---because of their beauty, splendor and the ability to change lives. That's why I have a passionate love affair with reading and writing to this day. So why not make your words and thoughts uplifting, empowering and encouraging?

I’ve always believed in claiming what’s rightfully mine. Say it out loud. Literally speak it into existence. That sets the cycle in motion so to speak. Write it down. Post it on the bathroom mirror. Chant it over and over in your mind. You’ll be surprised at the people, places, situations and events that are placed in your life designed to fulfill your destiny. That’s the nature of the universe. Making sure you are at the right place at the right time.

So, the question is: what are you? Say it. Claim it.

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